2.1.2  We are all aware that not a single country in the world ever needs politics,  politicians, political parties, and political governance since a politicking politician is the one who for the sake of his vested interests in any and every walk of life (not necessarily only in the field of politics) is ever ready to say or do or get done anything and everything  unscrupulously irrespective of how much and what kind of loss, harm, or damage is caused to however number of people and for however length of time.  b) A politician is the one who has a greedy mindset of desiring for things to become eligible to deserve which he does not put in any effort.  c) A politician is the one at the centre of whose heart is NOT  the welfare of others but HIMSELF and HIS VESTED INTERESTS alone at the cost of anyone or anything!  d) A politician is never a leader and can never be a leader due to his politician qualities.  e)  Politician qualities happen to be taking unethical immoral undue advantage of others’ weaknesses, others’ ignorance, others’ need, others’ want, others’ credulity, others’ gullibility, others’ uncleverness, etc.  f)  Politicians qualities also happen to be breaking, fracturing, splitting, destroying unity and oneness of people, and creating discord, division and thus posing to lead one of the divisions! g)  Politicians also have the knack of firstly creating problems to people where there are no problems and then making demands for cash or kind to undo what they have done! h)  Politicians also happen to be sociopaths with the mania to dominate others.  i) Politicians don’t have any power of their own and hence constantly seek power through support by the people.  j) Politicians base their actions on ever changing never stable self-contradictory unholistic understanding of life and world based on fallible fragmentary knowledge.

2.2   Politics is the field of activities of such politicking politicians.  Politicians aptly fit the meaning of the word politics which happens to be ‘poly’, meaning ‘many’, and the word ‘ticks’, meaning ‘blood sucking parasites’!  Thus it has been the experience of humanity throughout the world that political governments (formed by such politicking politicians and their politicking political parties) prove to be people’s blood sucking governments.

2.3  Is there a single kind of suffering that humanity has not got subjected to by the unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politician-rulers throughout the world?

2.4   Till date there is no kind of atrocious unspeakable suffering that humanity has not been subjected to by the unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politician rulers throughout the world.

2.5  Don’t we know how the unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians keep on causing divisions and conflicts among human beings of any region, religion, culture, language, profession etc?

2.6  Don’t we know how unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians keep causing riots whenever it suits them?  

2.7  Don’t we know how unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians push their own gullible credulous people into ever greater, ever deeper and ever more complex multiple forms of   slavery?

2.8  Don’t we know how unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians never allow people to rest in peace?

2.9 Don’t we know how unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians keep telling blatant lies to their credulous people by believing which people would find unprepared to face unexpected critical conditions?

2.10 Don’t we know how unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians keep on making misleading hollow promises?

2.11 Don’t we know how the political governments run by unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians keep on telling lies and keep on indulging in cheating their own gullible credulous people?

2.12 Don’t we know how hypocritical unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians, political parties and political governments have been throughout the world all through history?

2.13 Don’t we know how many unpardonable atrocious crimes against humanity the unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians, political parties, political governments, and politican-rulers have been committing throughout the world all through history?

2.14  Don’t we know how unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians never allow any section of society to mind their business uninterruptedly fairly?

2.15 Don’t we know how unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians make provisions for creation, maintenance, spread, and promotion of corruption throughout society?

 2.16  Don’t we know how unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians have made themselves legally immune to fair and equal probes and treatment under law on par with fellow citizens of their respective countries?!

2.17  Don’t we know that unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians are not only the most unproductive of all sections of people but also the most degenerative, disturbing, destructive and diabolic of all sections of society?

2.18  Don’t we know that unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians, in spite of being the most unfit for any favor from society, are the most privileged and powerful section of society?

2.19  Don’t we know it is the treacherous acts of unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians that endanger the safety, security, unity and strength of any society, country in the world?

2.20  Don’t we know that it is under the rule by unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty  politicians that we human beings have throughout the world been losing each and every right of ours and each and every kind of security of ours?

2.21  Don’t we know that it is under the rule by unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians that money instead of miagecoc character is made the centre of life by which societies, nations, countries are with certainty bound to degenerate and die dog’s death.

2.22 Don’t we know that it is unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians who create and promote lawlessness in society everywhere for the sake of their immoral unethical vested interests?

2.23  Don’t we know that it is the unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians who have been triggering from local thuggery to global worldwide wars all through history?

2.24  Don’t we know how unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians have throughout the world deliberately been trying their best to make us not only ignorant of our (humanity’s) true history but also get us eternally misled by their cooked up false version of our (humanity’s) history  to protect and promote their vested interests?

2.25  Don’t we know how these very unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians are instrumental in allowing the creation and continuance of the prevailing deeply fraudulent unjust economic system with its faulty flawed theories and practices?

2.26  Don’t we know how these very unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians turn every institution into a pseudo institution and thus make every such institution exist only for name sake but never to deliver what they are supposed to deliver (eg. pseudo education, pseudo justice, pseudo freedom, pseudo safety, pseudo equality, etc.,etc.)?

2.27  Don’t we know that it is these very unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty  politicians who for the sake of their own and their henchmen’s vested interests interfere, infiltrate, and influence every walk of life and every department of governments?

2.28 Don’t we know that it is these very unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians who with their ‘wonderful’ political rule allow the birth, growth, and flourishing of different kinds of  anti-social elements and forces, some of which happen to be their own and their henchmen’s too, at whose mercy people are left to be?

2.29   Don’t we know that it is these very unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians who never allow people to receive what all is meant for spending on people?  Hasn’t the Prime Minister himself stated that it is only fifteen per cent of what is supposed to be spent on people reaches people?  Doesn’t it mean that eighty five percent of what is supposed to be spent on people is getting swindled by politicians and their henchmen?

2.30   Don’t we know that however much unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians swallow public money, not a single one would ever come forward to spend a single penny even from his swallowed public money for the sake of people in however much critical condition with dire necessity the people be?

2.31  Don’t we know that it is due to the ill management by these very unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty  politicians that almost each and every country in the world has been pushed into the debt mire and debt slavery?

2.32  Don’t we know that it is these very unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians, posing as if they  are trying to develop their countries, have been mortgaging not only their countrymen’s lives but also the lives of the unborn and yet to be born future generations of their own people (of their countries) forever and ever?!

2.33 Don’t we know that it is these very unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians with their political governments who allow existing and flourishing billions of dollars worth global organized crimes?  Global organized crime is big business. In 2009 it was estimated to generate $870 billion — an amount equal to 1.5 per cent of global GDP.1 That is more than six times the amount of official development assistance for that year, and the equivalent of close to 7 per cent of the world’s exports of merchandise.  It is a hidden cost to society.  Global organized crime encompasses virtually all serious profit-motivated criminal actions of an international nature where more than one country is involved. There are many activities that can be characterized as global organized crime such as drug trafficking, arms trafficking, smuggling of migrants, human trafficking, money-laundering, trafficking in firearms, nuclear smuggling, prostitution, organ trafficking, counterfeit goods, wildlife and cultural property, and even some aspects of cybercrime, etc.,etc. It threatens peace and human security, leads to human rights being violated and undermines the economic, social, cultural, political and civil development of societies around the world. The vast sums of money involved can compromise legitimate economies and have a direct impact on governance, such as through corruption and the “buying” of elections.

2.34  Don’t we also know that it is these very avijnaahasa petty politicians with their political governments who have never allowed honest officers, honest bureaucrats to function properly without any interference?

2.35  Don’t we know that it is these very avijnaahasa petty politicians with their political governments who have allowed growing and spreading of the health eroding sickening work cultures, social cohesion fracturing policies and practices, life threatening environment, mind-blowing life styles, human unity and oneness destroying ideologies, and ever active never resting lchk movements throughout the world?!

2.36  Is it not a fact that so long as humanity does not adopt the miagecoc life style humanity can never hope to have sustainable peace, progress, prosperity, harmony, and justice under any of the present type of political governance?

2.37 Is it not a fact that people all over the world are being subject to indescribable sufferings by weather and climate control and manipulation by political governance?

2.38  Is it not a fact that more than ninety percent of human suffering in today’s world is manmade due to political governance?

2.39 Isn’t it a fact that though the dangers of fast food are well documented, the fast food centers are allowed to spread under health destroying and disease spreading avijnaahasa politicking and political governance?

2.40 Isn’t it a fact that throughout the world there is unspeakable moral decline because of immorality promoting immoral avijnaahasa politicking political governances?

2.41   Is it not a fact that in the present globalized condition of the world under political governance people anywhere and everywhere are forced to pay the price for any misdeed(s) of any individual or group anywhere in the world?

2.42  Don’t we know that it is these very unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politicians with their political governments who have been managing the collective life matters of humanity so ‘wonderfully well’ as to allow the growth of mind boggling wealth inequalities in the world such as just eight men owning the same wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity! 

2.43   As per the latest reports the richest 1% in India cornered 73% of the wealth generated in the country last year, a new survey showed today, — higher than the global figure of about 50%.

This year’s survey also showed that the wealth of India’s richest 1% increased by over Rs 20.9 lakh crore during 2017 — an amount equivalent to total budget of the central government in 2017-18 presenting a worrying picture of rising income inequality.

Besides, 67 crore Indians comprising the population’s poorest half saw their wealth rise by just 1%, as per the survey released by the international rights group Oxfam hours before the start of the annual congregation of the rich and powerful from across the world.

2.44  The situation appears even more grim globally, where 82% of the wealth generated last year worldwide went to the 1%, while 3.7 billion people that account for the poorest half of population saw no increase in their wealth!

2.45  It reveals how the prevailing structure and nature of global economy under avijnaahasa governing forces enables wealthy elite to accumulate vast wealth even as hundreds of millions of people struggle to survive on poverty pay.

2.45.2 Billionaire wealth has risen by an average of 13 per cent a year since 2010 — six times faster than the wages of ordinary workers, which have risen by a yearly average of just 2 per cent”.

2.45.3 In India, it will take 941 years for a minimum wage worker in rural India to earn what the top paid executive at a leading Indian garment firm earns in a year, the study found.  

2.45.4  In the US, it takes slightly over one working day for a CEO to earn what an ordinary worker makes in a year. 

2.46 Shouldn’t it be ensured that each and every country’s economy works for everyone and not the fortunate few literally making the rich ever more rich and the poor ever more poor?!

2.47 Isn’t it a fact that in such conditions of extreme wealth inequality we will continue to see democracy undermined, social cohesion blown apart, economies destabilized, social mobility stalled, and many other important aspects of our personal and public lives degraded, including our health?!

2.48 Isn’t it a fact that NASA study found that the prevailing so called education system is making people lose their intelligence!?

2.49 Isn’t it a fact that in the name of compulsory education which in fact is compulsory miseducation people are being dumbed down?

2.50 How can we call ourselves a civilized people, civilized society, civilized world so long as thuggery, covert and overt robbery and thefts, aggression, grabbing, hired killing, disinformation, deliberate dumbing down of people to make them idiotic, less able to think-speak-act in their own long term interests and remain ignorant, apathetic, helpless and consuming with lack of connected thinking, organized knowledge and co-operative action to stop injustices, insecurity, unaccountability, criminal justifications and rationalization of undesirable policies and acts, cheating, lchk ideologies, lchk movements, lchk institutions, and injustice, oppression of the righteous, suppression of the truth, equal rights, privileges and weightage to both the guilty and the innocent, needless wars for the benefit of avijnaahasa vested interests, endless existence in debt traps, spread of sickening poisonous consumables, more and more desensitizing to ethics and morals  are allowed to prevail?

2.51  Isn’t it a fact that in Yale University study it has been found that we naturally have a sense of morality, integrity, compassion, empathy, kindness, and a sense of justice — things that seem to degrade as we grow up in this  backwards, selfish, and often times cruel society that we find to be living in the deliberately designed and perpetrated by the decisive ruling powers?

2.52  Isn’t it a fact that politicking governments run by avijnaahasa crooked politicking politicians keep on hiding billions of dollars from public and introduce deficit budgets and go on squeezing people and go on thrusting ever more needless austerity measures on people? And isn’t it also a fact that the crooked politicking governments do not care to spend even the allotted funds for the allotted purposes?!

2.53 Isn’t it a fact that politicking governments run by avijnaahasas indulge in innumerable false flag operations to go on usurping people’s rights one after the other and keep on acquiring more and more powers and unacceptable control over different aspects of people’s lives?

2.54 Till date in world history all through these millennia has there been a single political ruler who has admitted and confessed his accountability for the atrocious wretched conditions of his countrymen under his rule?  If yes, has a single political ruler undone what all suffering was caused to his people under his rule?  Could a single political ruler undo what all suffering was caused to his people under his rule?

 2.55 Need we continue to keep ourselves under the rule of such degenerative, destructive, dishonest, incapable (of doing good to people) unscrupulous avijnaahasa petty politician-rulers and be drowned in appalling atrocious wretched conditions?

 2.56 Don’t we know that it is only since the unscrupulous avijnaahasa non-miagecoc politicians started ruling in the world instead of miagecoc rulers that humanity has been being non-stop subject to indescribable innumerable varieties of never ending sufferings?

 2.57  A statecrafter, on the other hand, is a leader in his own right, even if not a single person follows him, by virtue of his power to understand and solve people’s problems acquired through long study of humanity and its problems.    He is the one at the centre of whose heart is both the theoretical and practical concern for each and everyone’s just wholistic welfare and each and everyone’s just wholistic progress without any exception.

2.58 Therefore a statecrafter never indulges in taking advantage of anyone’s any weakness, never tries to divide people and on the contrary tries his best to unite people to create harmony, and tries to solve the prevailing problems without adding more problems.

2.59 Hence, don’t we need to wake up unlike our forefathers, at least in this age of improved global communication facilities,  and get ourselves liberated from all the atrociously wretched conditions we have allowed ourselves to be kept in and create a glorious everyone’s wholistic welfarish and everyone’s wholistic progressivist and everyone’s wholistic blossomist prosperous and peaceful warless world for each one of us and our loved ones and each one of our future generations?

27  In countries under political governance people can never hope to have justice done to them since judiciary happens to be the puppet product of political establishment.  As everyone knows justice delayed is justice denied.  There are 31 million backlogged cases in all courts in India. In 2009, India’s the then prime minister Manmohan Singh told parliament that its courts were the most backlogged in the world. That same year, the chief justice of the Delhi High Court released a report that made an eye-popping claim: it would take four centuries and then some (466 years, to be precise) for it to clear its backlog. In such situations what is the point of being under political rule without getting statecraft governance established under which alone true wholistic justice would promptly be made available to each and every one?  Judiciary under political governance can never hope to protect justice and righteousness.

28 Unlike under statecraft governance, under any and every political governance facts and truths of life gradually get presented in a more and more manipulated, twisted, distorted and disfigured form giving rise to a deluded sense of life, view of man, and understanding of the world to suit the hidden agendas of the avijnaahasa forces. Is it not a fact that the world controlling avijnaahasa forces by all means try to keep the whole of humanity in their deliberately schemed (their unethical vested interests promoting hidden agendas compliant) deluded condition and by all kinds of covert and overt means dissuade, deride and derail any and every kind of awakening to the true reality by any anywhere in the world?  And isn’t it a fact that under any and every political governance, unlike under statecraft governance, societies gradually become degenerate, depraved, perverted, diseased and uncivilized?

29 As human beings we are all ONE NATION in the eyes of The True Almighty who has benevolently provided us with everything needed (the required true wholistic knowledge, and capacity to see, observe, know, think, understand, choose, decide, and appropriately act)  to lead a harmonious, peaceful, progressive and prosperous self-blossoming life but by lazily not making use of which we have brought on to our heads all kinds of avijnaahasas (those with one or more of the ignorant, foolish, unwise, unrighteous, unconcerned, corrupt, unethical, incompetent, egotistic, sadistic natures) as rulers who cannot but create all kinds of misery to the whole of humanity.

30  It is an indisputable fact that each and every aspect of life of each and every one of us is at stake.  When life is at stake ignorance, and insensitivity, and inaction prove unpardonable crimes of irreversible consequences. 

31  The urgent inescapable need is to wake up on war footing to rediscover the true purpose of our human life and in its light to rearrange our collective and individual life management which is called governance, and government to conduct which statecrafting true leaders and ideal rulers are eternally required and to provide which the New Vision Party has come into existence.

32  Hence, it is high time that we all woke up to the actual reality and unitedly as ONE HUMAN NATION took to liberate ourselves and our successors from the prevailing atrocious conditions and impending calamitous conditions shedding all our differences which were deliberately and carefully created, sowed and nourished by political establishments all through history throughout the world.


Here we are eagerly waiting at nvpcitizens@newvisionparty.org for your pro-life and pro-active response of joining the New Vision Party to become new vision planetary citizens to create a lasting glorious future for yourself and all your near and dear ones at the earliest in collaboration with all other new vision planetary citizens throughout the world.

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